Jimi & Teresa – A Southern Highlands Portrait Session
What better ‘excuse’ needed for a trip down to the Southern Highlands (Suttons Forest to be specific) than a lovely Portrait Shoot in Autumn! Once again I found myself in a car with Daniel K Cheung (whom I was assisting), Tai (another team member) and a couple. This time it would be a couple we have gotten to know very well over the course of 2012, Jimi & Teresa.
I love it down there, in fact the first wedding I assisted for Daniel with was at Peppers Manor in Suttons Forest. So off we go for a quick lunch in Canley Heights before hopping on the Hume Hwy to catch some of the autumn colours before they shut up shop for another year. I must say.. it was a bit chilly but the colours were phenomenal. I only shot for part of the trip, but captured a nice series and didn’t want to relegate them to the photography vault on my backup drives. But.. ill let the photos do the talking.
After shooting the wonderful engagement of Katie & Bryce in nearby Exeter, I definitely want to spend more time in the beautiful Southern Highlandsin late 2012/2013. So if you love it too, want a shoot or are planning your own engagement/wedding in the area then by all means please drop me a line.