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On Film | An Exhibition

The start of 2012 for me has been a super exciting one. It has involved a fantastic Xmas/New Years period up the coast at Brunswick Heads, a few rolls of film, a trip to Hong Kong with Daniel Cheung and a special milestone for me, my first exhibition showcasing my work. From late January to Mid February my work was on display (along with 3 other film photographers) at the Salerno Gallery in Glebe. A special milestone for me was not only publicly putting my work out there to receive critique and feedback but to show my friends and family my personal work, my passion and my journey thus far not only through photography, but through film photography.

I think expressing myself as a photographer in a variety of ways is good, especially for potential clients in seeing who I really am. I am not just a sleek website full of images ready to ‘seal the deal’, but more so just someone who loves to taking photos of awesome things. Whether it be a sunrise, sunset, portrait or wedding.. producing work and printing work has a special meaning.

I have been pondering the idea of a promotion with all this new shiney site/facebook thing going on. Relative to this post is the fact that I have a few framed prints left over from the show.. and I am thinking a wee little competition so that a Sydney local and fan can have one of these hanging on their wall. Ill announce it over easter on both the blog and facebook so keep an eye out.

Anyways enough from me.. onward with the images.

Lake Meroo

Coogee SunriseThe Shot TowerBrunswick Heads SurferHydeMahonMonaSt JamesUki

Mount Warning

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